GitHub integration for Atom IDE

Navoda Dissanayake
3 min readFeb 9, 2020


Today I’m going to demonstrate how we can integrate Atom application with your Github account. There are two ways you can perform this as far as I’m concerned. I’m going to show you the first method which is initialized from github side.

First create your repository in GitHub. And use the clone with ssh method available in Github.

GitHub Clone

Open atom and Ctrl + Shift + P will open following tab. Type “github:clone”.

Atom (Ctrl+Shift+P) window

Once you clicked on GitHub: Clone option, there will be a window opened to put your copied URL from github. Paste it and Click on Clone.

Atom Github Clone window

As the next step, go to Packages -> GitHub -> Toggle GitHub Tag (Ctrl+Shift+8). You will see a tab appearing from your right side of the screen and a place holder to enter a token. You can collect this token by visiting following URL.

GitHub token

Copy the token and paste it in the placeholder. It will sign you in.

But still there might be a problem. If you don’t have your machine configured to connect to GitHub, GitHub will not allow you to connect via your machine. So it is time to configure it. Go to command prompt and type as follow.

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C “your github login mail”

SSH Key Generation

Once key is generated, go to key generated location and copy the content of file. Then go to your GitHub account and under profile settings there will be a tab called “SSH and GPG Keys”.

SSH and GPG Keys in GitHub

Click on New SSH Key and enter a meaningful name(Eg: Navoda’s MateBook) for the Title tab. Then paste the copied content to key area and Add ssh Key.

Congratulations! You have completed the configuration part. Now you can add a new file and some content in Atom on order to publish to your GitHub account. You can do inital commit git as follow.

Then you can publish the change to GitHub as below.



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